Monday 4 October 2010

Long Way To Happy

I am just not happy here.  It's so frustrating being in one place and wanting so much to be in another and knowing you can't be there.  Yes, I have next year and planning a road trip with Catherine to look forward to and keep me occupied, but it's just hard not being able to attain what it is I want out of life.

I enjoy my job, but it's frustrating.  I love my family, but they're frustrating.  I don't feel like this is my home anymore.  New York is home to me, and it just seems unfair sometimes that you can't be where you want and need to be.  I understand that they don't want too many immigrants and the like, but I think it should be considered different when you're so much in love with a place that it makes you unhappy to be anywhere else.  I think the fact that I go back every year that the place means a lot, and if there was some way to prove how much it means to me then I would if it meant that I could stay.

I have never felt such immediate understanding with another human as I did with Bobby, the guy who tattooed me, when he saw the scars on my arm and asked what had happened to me.  I said 'I happened to me; life's just shit sometimes you know', and he replied with 'yeah, that's why I tattoo myself'.  It's funny, but it is the little things.


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